Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Rockies. Colorado. Community. Hiking. Bears, oh my!

Okay. So this summer I am planning on going to Colorado to participate in a leadership training (LT) program with my church, H2O. I will  also be working at a YMCA in the Rockies. The Rockies. Colorado. Community. Hiking. Bears, oh my! My backyard will be the mountains. Exciting, right?

Can I be honest with you? I'll be honest with you. I am actually...not feeling excited about going there. I don't feel the excitement that I 'should' be feeling about living in the Rockies for a summer with an incredible community. And it is also really okay not to feel excited...I not.

Yet, I know that God is going to bless me for going. I know that He is going to exceed my expectations by far. I know that He is going to use me in Colorado for His glory. I know that He is going to challenge me, nurture me, and love me.

I know this because I know that He is sending me there. Although I am currently unexcited, I was excited before I applied for LT. Silly. For various reasons, I started questioning whether or not it would be best to remain at home or go to Colorado. I applied anyways. "Okay God. If you want me to go, give me a job. If you don't want me to go...well...don't give me a job in Colorado!" Oh yeah, and I got pretty specific with God too. "It would be super great if you could let me know about a job or not before I leave for Guatemala in March. Okay? K." 

Yeah...God told me about a job acceptance two days before I left for Guatemala. At that point, I knew what to do. I'm going...shoot! I'm going to Colorado for my entire summer.

Can I just tell you all of the issues going into this decision? I want to tell you because I want to proclaim how great God is. How great my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is...

Money. Money. Money. Not because I want a ton of money...but because I do need a certain amount to pay rent, buy food, etc. next school year. Colorado...not much money will come from working there this summer.

Next school year (here's how it goes): 15 hours (required) per week of field placement for my major; 15 hours (required) of work (to pay rent, food, etc); 15 credit hours (required) of classes. BAM. 45 hours a week already knocked out.

Field all depended on where I would get placed as to how many hours a week I could work a job. I needed a flexible agency. Unfortunately, there's not much say as to where you get placed. Boys and Girls Club...interests me...they are flexible. Please God....send me there!

Subleasing my apartment for the summer. Why is this so difficult? I share a room. If my roomie wanted to stay in the apartment this summer, I'd simply have to pay my portion. She decided to go home for the summer...this made it a little easier. We could sublease...but due to the way the rent is dispersed among the 5 of us total tenants, my roomie and I would need to pay the difference...unless we found 2 people who conveniently wanted to share our room. would take a miracle for that to happen considering that there are two available bedrooms in our apartment for the summer. If I pay my rent and go to would be a huge struggle...

Here's what God did. He placed me at Boys and Girls Club for next school year. He found two people who wanted to share a room in my apartment this summer. We told them they could have their own rooms (for only a slight increase in price) and they still wanted to share a room. Miracle. God provides. He blesses. He has shown me that He truly does provide and bless you when you are obedient to Him. He is awesome :)