Friday, January 13, 2012

Pride of Humility

Raise your hand if you are prideful! (If I do not raise my hand, I lie). Pride comes in all different forms. I struggle with internal pride...probably worse than external pride because internal pride is hidden from the world (at least, I like to think it is...making me even more prideful). Do you ever say something extremely witty or humorous, and afterwords, you internally think, "dang, that was awesome. I am awesome." PRIDE! There are times when I  think that I sound awesome in bible studies talking about pride...really? That is how bad it is.

The funny thing is, it is possible to have pride of humility. There are times when I am genuinely humble (once in a blue moon). I look back on those "genuinely humble" moments...and I become prideful that I was once, humble.

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