Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Running with Scissors

You might be thinking that I am about to tell you a horrific story about making a poor life choice by running with scissors...the end result being...well, tragic. To those of you who were excited to hear such a story, I am very sorry, but that never happened. Continue reading, and you will soon find out why I am talking about scissors. S"K"ISSORS (in case you struggle with spelling 'scissors' - it helps me).

Living for Christ is like running with scissors on ice (cheesy, but catchy...and true). Originally, it was just going to be, "living for Christ is like running with scissors." Ice adds the thrill to running with scissors and it semi-rhymes with Christ. Running with scissors on ice (or on floor) is dangerous *gasp* (such a shocker)! Doing anything on ice is quite thrilling and incredibly frightening (broomball...iceskating...running with scissors..). Okay, enough with my obvious, side comments.

When you walk with Christ, you will be persecuted, frowned upon, misunderstood, hated, ignored, shafted...and the list goes on. Life with Christ is not always safe and not always happy (you will gain joy though). Living for Christ means that we stop conforming to the world's ways.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing, and perfect will. - Romans 12:2
***Disclaimer - I am not saying that everything in the world is bad and I am not saying we need to stop doing everything worldly-related when living for Christ. Also, even with Christ, life can be boring at times (homework...rainy days..etc)

If living for Christ is so dangerous, why live that way?
           -> Therefore, since we are surrounded by such as great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.Hebrews 12:1

When we live for Christ, we are praising Him. No, we do not need to do good works or be super "spiritual" to receive eternal life with Christ. However, after being offered such a great opportunity from the Maker (though we are undeserving), we should praise and glorify him - he kinda, really, deserves it. It's not just a 'we should' type of thing either. It is something that is hard not to do when living for Christ. God opens our eyes to countless blessings when we view things apart from the world. He provides us with more than enough. When I realize this, I cannot help but praise him for his selfless sacrifice.

To sum this incredibly long post (that few, if any of you are still reading)...I'll keep it simple:
CAUTION: Living a life for Jesus is both thrilling and highly dangerous! (It's like running with scissors on ice). And extremely worth it.

***Please note that while living for Jesus (which is dangerous and thrilling...and like running with scissors on ice) is encouraged, literally running with scissors on ice (or any other surface, or thin air if you can fly) is NOT encouraged. In fact, please don't. Just don't. It would be a poor life decision with awful consequences.

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