Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hotel Earth

We are living in a hotel, the name is Hotel Earth

Everything is out of place, jumbled in a mix of disarray

Hotels were not made for eternal use

More than a night or two, then you're on your way

We are living in this broken place

In a dusted, fragmented room

It's been a long night and a very nasty fight

But when the morning Son arrives

Hotel Earth will be destroyed and re-designed

We will soon be taken home and say

Good-bye Hotel Earth and hello Home Sweet Home

We are back to where we belong

God is Getting Artsy

       During my spring break trip with H2O, a few girls and I decided to get artsy and create pictures. On the evening before we left to go home, I could only find one of my pictures that I made (sadly, the one that I did not like as much). The other one was missing and I asked one of my friends if she saw it. She said that I would get it back later. What? I was so confused and I continued to question her. Did it get thrown away by accident? Or spilled on? She finally told me that she was planning on framing it as a surprise (yeah, I ruined the surprise...but I was determined to know where my artwork was!). 
       The other day, I was thinking about this event and it reminded me of us and God. So often, do we lose faith in God's steady control. When we cannot see the good works of His plans for us, we begin to not trust Him. We want control of our lives (but how can we have adequate control when this world is beyond our clout?). Just as my friend's intentions for my artwork (to be framed) was good, so are God's intentions for us. I never considered framing my picture, but when my friend mentioned the idea, I really liked it. We nearly never consider the content of God's will for us. His plans are so great (even greater than framing your artwork!) that we cannot fathom them. Once we see His good will working and understand His underlying intentions, we like it. No, we don't like it, we love it.
       With the knowledge that God's promises are good (and greater than ours), our faith should strengthen, not weaken. With the knowledge, let us continue in the hope that Christ gives us and let us trust in Him and His will (despite not seeing the details of his plans). He deserves our utmost trust and when we doubt his power, it's probably a big blow in the face to God. Yet, he is so humble about it.

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Plethora of Birds and Bagel Bites

        As I was walking from work to my first class today, I decided to stop by mirror lake and eat my favorite bagel (Rosemary Olive Oil...yum)! As I sat down on a nearby bench, a white goose decided to swim towards me with anticipation of receiving food. This said 'white goose' was staring me down and I just could not resist those goose eyes; I fed him a tiny part of my bagel. This white goose was quite the trend-setter. Before I knew it, five ducks came over begging for food. Then, two other duck-like creatures appeared (they seemed to be a combination of duck, goose, and chicken). A very good friend of mine calls these creatures Chiduckins; I will also call them that. The Chiduckins were quite friendly and would have easily eaten out of my hands if I allowed them to (this made me a little nervous). The 'normal' ducks bickered with each other over my bagel offerings. However, one of the ducks was different - he was peaceful and patient as he awaited his turn (I want to be peaceful and patient like that duck). The white goose remained in the water - he was also patient (and hopeful) and not to mention, the first and the last to come and stay (I want to come and stay with Jesus - stay beside him patiently, putting my hope in him). 
           I did not give the white goose a piece of bagel right away. And once I did, I did not get around to giving him more (for quite some time) due to the arrival of the other birds. Why did he stay? Probably because he was hopeful that I would give him more. In our walk with Christ, we often do not stay when we cannot see Him moving. Should we? Yes. We should be hopeful in Christ, because He will always fulfill us and sustain us. God has a plan (and many) along with the perfect timing for His plan(s). We should be hopeful in His promises and patient with prayer, practicing endurance. Let us remain in Him and Him in us. Let us stay by His side and know that He was working, He is working, and He will work. Let us be like the white goose or the patient duck.
          Okay, so all of that is not actually what my main point was going to be. The whole 'Jesus' stuff that related to the birds' personalities did not even cross my mind until the moment I was writing those parts (Holy Spirit likes to give me Jesus-bird metaphors?). My original point, is this: I simply woke up starting off my day wrong (it was just one of those bad days). At work, I repeatedly got the annoying customers who changed their minds after I made their food. This put me in a very bad mood and I was extremely stressed and frustrated. As I was walking towards mirror lake, I was talking to Jesus (I knew I needed my Jesus-time, or my day and mood would worsen). I asked him to help me improve my mood, my day, and to relieve stress through his love and spirit. He did, oh, did he! How? By sending the fanatic bagel-fan birds my way. I could not help but laugh (out loud) at the site of nearly 10 birds of assortment encircling me, the bench, and my bagel. I did not try to capture their attention, they just came. And it was hilarious. Not to mention, that everyone else who passed by were staring and probably thought I was a crazy lady.
       Anyways, thanks Jesus, for making my day brighter by sending 1 crazy white goose, nearly 5 ducks, and 2 Chiduckins my way. It was great.