Saturday, May 19, 2012

It's a scary world, after all.

Our world is scary. I was reminded the other day of how unsafe our world is and how disturbing things can be. Planet Earth is a beautiful planet, but boy is it messy. The people on planet Earth are beautiful, but boy are we messy. I'm not referring to physical messiness (but we are pretty messy that way too...just look at my room!). I'm referring to how (yeah, I'm gonna just say it) screwed up we are! There is so much evil and perverted, twisted, things in our world. It is sad that a girl cannot walk alone without being in fear of someone attacking her or taking advantage of her body. It is sad that there are so many children who come home to parents who are high. It is sad that so many men do not feel adequate to be a man because no one ever affirmed them that they have what it takes. It is sad that so many people do not feel loved. So many people do not know that they are loved! That hurts my heart (as cheesy as that sounds). So many people do not know that they are loved...this phrase continuously crosses my mind and blows it away. How can that be? Every single person ever to exist is loved (by people here, but even more - by the creator). Yet, so many people struggle to believe it. And some, do not even know it. Can we just tell (even one) person each day that they are loved!? Maybe that can be my new goal. And actually, it doesn't have to be everyday (but that would be awesome). I do know that the Holy Spirit will nudge us to tell a person that they are loved at just the right time, place, someone who really needs to hear it. Although, I've gotta say - I think everyone could be reminded that they are loved (I know I need reminded at times too). I'll start now - You. Are. Loved.

And please, please, believe those three words in bold. My heart would not hurt if it were not true. It hurts because it is true and so many people either do not know it, forget it, or do not believe it. So many things in this world tell us otherwise (that's just one way our world gets messy).

I feel that I need to leave this post on a happy note. Y'all ready for this?
Y o u. A r e. L o v e d.

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