Monday, April 1, 2013

The Metaphorical Dance

Ballroom Dancing. Yes. I am taking a ballroom dancing class. I nearly dropped the class before the first day of it because when I think of "dance," I think of me tripping and doing a face plant onto the floor. I made myself go the first day and told myself that I could drop it only after I tried the class. Okay, I admit that I absolutely love the class despite my clumsiness.

Before my first dance class this semester, I begged God to place someone I know in the class with me or another christian. When I walked into class, I sat next to a girl and began talking with her. As we discussed why we chose the majors that we did, I mentioned that I chose my major because I wanted to do some form of ministry. Often, when I mention ministry a person gets really excited or stares at me with a blank face like I am foreign. I may have received the second option this time and although I shouldn't have assumed anything, I figured that she is probably not a christian. 1. Who am I to judge that? 2. Tal vez (perhaps) God wanted me to chat with her and share His love with her that day.

By the end of the first dance class I was disappointed with God for not revealing to me another christian. I still enjoyed the class and was enthusiastic for the following week. 1. I expected God's timing to be during class. 2. Who am I to tell God when to time things out haha?

Whelp. As I was walking back to my apartment from class, a guy from my class was walking the same way. We were still fairly close to the building where our class was. It was one of those moments where it was obvious that we just came from the same class and we were close enough to chat. I debated whether or not I should talk to him. Then, he randomly began talking to me phew. As we walked back to our places, the conversation of God came up. We discussed our majors and life after college and he mentioned how he felt God calling him to work overseas. If it wasn't for his boldness and God's Holy Spirit, I may never have known that this guy in my class loves Jesus too. It was...a great moment. After arriving back from my first trip in Guatemala, I began considering long-term oversees mission work (huh? yeah; God definitely put that one on my heart because...I would NEVER consider that even half a year ago whaaaat). Over the weekend and specifically that Monday of my first dance class, I began doubting the idea to move overseas after class because of all of the logistics involved. I started shoving the idea aside. When the guy in my class spoke about overseas work, that flame in my heart for oversees mission work flared up and God reminded me that He is capable of anything. If He wants me somewhere oversees, He'll do His thing. I just need to be willing. Okay hey God.

So...this metaphorical dance. Say what? Ballroom dancing really reflects a personal relationship with Christ as well as relationships with others. I also really love metaphors and God is continuously using this class to share metaphors with me. There are so many metaphors and each one probably deserves its own blog post. I'm only going to share one or two in this because this is already lengthy. 

Okay. Metaphor from today:

The dance instructor taught us another "dip" (where the guy dips the girl and it looks extremely frightening and deathly). I say the least...feeling quite the opposite of my enthusiastic teacher at that moment. She said that "as long as the follow [the lady] follows the man and allows him to do his thing, then everything will go well." (Given that the man listens to the instructor and follows what she says to do). 1. The instructor was absolutely correct regarding her statement. 2. I absolutely love this dip now haha who knew? 3. Metaphor...

Okay - We really must trust God and surrender our lives to Him (much more crazy than a 1 credit dance class haha). When we allow Him to step in and do His thing, we are choosing to follow His lead. When we allow Him to lead as we follow Him (even in uncomfortable, scary, unknown situations), things begin to flow together and everything works out by God's grace. We can see how God abundantly blesses us when we lay down our lives for Him.

Metaphor...related to relationships con otras personas (with other people) - a healthy, intentional dating relationship between a man and a woman looks quite similar to the dance example (and example with God). If a man is in Christ and is pursuing Him and seeks God's instruction...when a woman is also in Christ, pursuing Christ (not the dude), and seeking God's instruction, a beautiful relationship can happen that portrays our personal relationships with Christ. Not everything will be perfect, but things will go well and the two people will be blessed when the man relies on Christ's strength to lead the woman. (The ladies have to do their part as well - patiently follow and submit (although only called to once married I guess) because of her trust in the Lord). When the woman allows the man to lead as she follows him, things go much smoother (and this is very apparent in ballroom dancing). As both the man and the woman intentionally place Christ at the center of their relationship and play the roles they were each meant to play, a beautiful demonstration of a personal relationship with Christ is orchestrated!

Oh. I found out that there are at least three other Christians in my we head back the same way from class and it's great...sometimes those walks are the highlight of my day [snowball fights, random searches for free apples on campus....]

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